October 26, 2011


Almost all of my recent birthday gifts were food and wine related. I'm quite content being such an easy target; it's clearly served my table well. 

By far, the most meaningful gift I received was a pizza peel from my dad.

Its carved from a single piece of ash that was felled on my parents' property in Northern Michigan to make way for their dream cabin. Their favorite place on earth. My favorite place on earth. They kept every tree they had to cut down, and have been reusing bits slowly over the last few years.

A twisted trunk was built into a corner of the kitchen. A twelve foot long dining table top is curing in their garage. Adirondack chairs are populating the deck. Smooth, beveled pizza peels and raw-edged picture frames are making their way to children and siblings.

All "Handcrafted by Kevin R Fabry."