February 14, 2012


Above: a poster celebrating the release of IGOR, one of my/our favorite experimental batch beers from my/our favorite Durham brewery, Fullsteam.

For me, February 14th will always be my youngest brother Joe's birthday. I attach no emotional value to the day other than marveling at how much taller and more hilarious he becomes each year (I am now by far the shortest sibling. And... still the oldest.).

So, tonight, Micah and I will be celebrating Valentine's Day the way we celebrate almost every evening: by cooking dinner together, sharing a few drinks, and generally enjoying the shit out of each other.

And yet - I couldn't resist an opportunity to show a little bit of affection and appreciation for my partner-in-crime. I picked up this print from Fullsteam on the sly a few weeks ago - he's got a black-and-white thing going on in his new office, and I don't think he'll mind me helping to decorate it.

I've hung it where another similarly-sized-and-colored print usually hangs, in our dining nook. We'll see how long it takes him to catch it (which probably won't be very long, because, uh.... I think he reads this blog).

Happy Joe's Birthday Day, everyone. Especially Micah.