August 13, 2012


Above: Saturday's breakfast. Pita stuffed with garlicky egg whites, arugula, Farmhand Foods Italian sausage, sauteed vegetables, and parmesan. Salsa on the side. And Christmas-spiced fruit salad.

This weekend I celebrated Fullsteam's second birthday with much day-drinking and merry-making (related: here is a photo of me from the first time I ever visited Fullsteam, a few days after it opened - and only a few months after I moved to Durham). I spent the rest of the weekend recovering, cooking, watching Frozen Planet, and catching up on True Blood with the Bransons (something else I did a lot of when I first moved here). Good times.


Not good times: Blogger dropped my header somehow, and I unfortunately did not back it up anywhere. But! I'm choosing to see it as an opportunity to make something shiny and new. I've got a placeholder up right now, but should have something slightly more permanent up in the next few days.