August 30, 2012


We've started our fall garden. Round Two!

I'm trying my hand at Winterbor kale, Packman broccoli, and sweet basil (the basil is mostly me trying to cling to the last scraps of summer produce). I'm most excited about the kale - it's supposedly quite frost hardy, so I hope it produces all the way into winter. Micah is planting turnips, radishes, mesclun, and bush beans from seed. I think he's most excited about the beans - we want to make green bean casserole for Thanksgiving with our harvest.

This time, we've tried to apply some of the wisdom we've earned the hard way from Round One. We've taken a little more care in preparing our soil, and I'm keeping the majority of my crops in super-large pots on the front porch - mostly to be able to control the amount of sun they get, and only slightly because I'm more apt to take regular care of them if I have to walk past them every day.