April 10, 2012


I never really expect much from Easter, except maybe some chocolate, but... this Easter was easily the best Easter I've ever had.

We started at Duke Gardens (top two photos). It was packed - apparently it is the place to take an Easter portrait of your children - but we managed to find a perfectly shady spot on the bottom of a slope from which to take it all in. We ate homemade chocolate-covered strawberries and watched little kids fall on their faces.

Then we drove downtown, parked, and walked to the beautifully restored Carolina Theatre (middle two photos) to watch a matinee of The Godfather (part 1, natch). We drank beers and had a running commentary on the characters. We ended up skipping out about an hour early (hey - that movie is three hours long!) and walking around trying to find a place to eat...

...which was starting to look a bit bleak, until we stumbled upon Dos Perros (bottom two photos). We sat outside, ordered some beer and a slew of appetizers, and pretended that all the buildings in sight were full of lofts. Would we live there? How about there? All in good fun.

Oh - and he got me a chocolate mint plant, and even potted it for me. So perfect.

It'll be fun to try and top this next year.